Braveship is a multimedia spectacular created by Dr. Matt Cook, featuring all-original symphonic music set to a narrated adventure story about a young boy named Azra and his magic airship, with illustrated visuals and animation projected on screen. The album was recorded at a Disney studio and produced by a multi-GRAMMY winning team. An accompanying novel and video game are forthcoming.
Hailed as the "Angel of Australia" by Andre Rieu and consistently topping classical charts across the globe, Mirusia delivers a breathtaking performance of Fly with Me, the album's epic encore piece.
Award-winning pianist of international acclaim
Matt Cook, Ph.D.
Creator (Composer, Author)
Matt is an economist, composer, Los Angeles Times bestselling author, and executive film producer based in Los Angeles. He tells stories through writing, music, magic, and numbers. As an economist, he has worked in entertainment finance and founded a government transparency organization. Drawing from experience in over 160 countries, he enjoys infusing his musical compositions with international intrigue. He was personally honored by President George W. Bush with the Presidential Call to Service Award. Outside of his creative work, Matt is also a PADI divemaster and pilot of land and sea planes.
Dan Merceruio
Dan Merceruio is a GRAMMY award winning producer (Best Immersive Audio Album, Producer, 2021) and a four-time GRAMMY nominee (Best Immersive Audio Album, Producer, 2018; Producer of the Year, Classical, 2015; Best Surround Sound Album, 2013; Producer of the Year, Classical, 2012), and winner of a Latin GRAMMY (Best Classical Album, 2012). Dan has produced and edited over 200 albums and projects for commercial release and television broadcast, with widely varied instrumentation configurations.
Leslie Jones
Recording/Mixing Engineer
Leslie is a multiple GRAMMY award winning recording engineer who has recorded albums for everyone from Rosemary Clooney to Kronos Quartet. Joining Skywalker Sound in 1997 as the Director of Music Recording and Scoring, Leslie records orchestral scores, mixes film and video elements and records and produces music albums. Leslie also serves on numerous advisory boards including G.A.N.G, the Game Audio Network Guild’s Board of Directors.
Douglas richard
Music Supervisor
Douglas Richard has over thirty years of experience in writing for ensembles of all levels and preparing music for composers, music publishers, recording sessions (feature films, large-scale video games), live nationally-televised events, and performances by major American symphony orchestras and other professional ensembles.
Noah taylor
Associate Music Supervisor
Noah D. Taylor is a composer, orchestrator and arranger for film, television, interactive media and symphonic concerts. He has composed original music for independent films, documentaries, promotional and social media videos. As the staff arranger for the United States Military Academy at West Point, Noah D. Taylor has arranged and produced music that has been featured on prominent television networks, including CBS Sports, Fox News and NBC.